MSWG Weekly Newsletter 18 August 2023 (English)
Recently, EA Holdings Berhad (EAH) found itself in the limelight over its announcement of calling an EGM convened by a shareholder, as ‘defective and void.’ EAH also urged shareholders to refrain from attending and voting at the EGM scheduled on 22 August 2023. This current state of events at the Company may baffle its shareholders. Arguably, this EGM is called by an independent party who is exercising his rights as a shareholder under the Companies Act 2016.
Weekly Watch August 14 - 18, 2023
MSWG Weekly Newsletter for 11 August 2023 (English)
One of the critical questions to ponder when we embark on our investing journey is the strategy to adopt, whether investing or trading, to enable us to fully reap the financial gain.
There is no hard and fast rule as to which strategy to adopt. It is possible to profit from either one of the strategies or a combination of both if it fits the investing goals, risk appetite, experience and time horizon.
MSWG Weekly Newsletter for 4 August 2023 (English)
The Madani Economy Framework recently announced by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim includes three facets that will benefit the capital market in general and Bursa Malaysia and minority shareholders specifically. The three specific measures are namely, reducing the current board lot size, enabling fractional share trading and enabling automatic transfer to the Main Market.
Munger's Successful Strategy
Weekly Watch July 31 - Aug 4, 2023
Pestech minorities caught between a rock and a hard place
MSWG Weekly Newsletter for 28 July 2023 (English)
At a glance, the recent move by Bursa Malaysia Berhad to assume the role of Malaysian Investor Relations Association (MIRA) is a testament to the Exchange acknowledging the need to further enhance public-listed companies’ (PLCs) visibility and accessibility to the investment community through more active investor relations (IR) engagements.