
MSWG Weekly Newsletter 07 July 2023 (English)

Contrarian investing is an investment strategy that goes against prevailing market trends and sentiments. They actively seek opportunities to invest in undervalued or out of favour with the majority. They believe that markets are not always efficient and can sometimes overreact, leading to the mispricing of assets. By taking a contrarian approach, these investors aim to profit from such market inefficiencies.

MSWG Weekly Newsletter 23 June 2023 (English)

In the vast and dynamic world of investing, it is not uncommon to encounter enthusiasts who can recite the wisdom of renowned investors like Warren Buffett, yet struggle to achieve success. Despite these similarities, one consistently outperforms the other. What sets them apart? It is not as simple as attributing the difference to mere luck or hard work. Instead, the answer may lie in the often overlooked elements of individuality and adaptability in investing