
MSWG Weekly Newsletter 29 April 2017

29 April 2017


On 26 April 2017, the Securities Commission announced and released its 3rd Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (MCCG). The 1st was issued in 2009 and the 2nd was in 2012. This 3rd CG Code seeks to further internalise and align the Malaysian Capital Market with global best practices and thereby increases the visibility and appeal of our listed companies internationally.

Already a large number of our companies, especially the top 100, have “internalised” a high standard of CG culture in their organisations. With the adoption and adherence to the changes contained in this new code, the protection of the wider definition of stakeholders (environment and community, besides shareholders) is further enhanced. MSWG appreciates and welcomes these changes.

MSWG Weekly Newsletter 14 April 2017

17 April 2017


Capital Market Update

The recent surge in retail interest in the local bourse while exciting, was probably driven by spill over interest from interest in large-cap stocks and expectations for an improved earnings performances in 2017.

Foreign investor interest has also helped boost sentiment, with reports indicating that nine (9) straight weeks of foreign buying for a year-to-date total of RM6.4 billion already amounts to more than twice the total amount of outflows (of RM3.01 billion) in all of 2016.

However, it is important for minority shareholders to continue taking heed of fundamentals instead of being lured by fast, easy gains in smaller, second-and third-liner stocks, where some have recently even chalked up limit-up performances.

Capital flows have always been transient and while large foreign funds are able to absorb short-term volatility, small investors, by and large, cannot -- hence the constant need for informed and nuanced investing.

Turning to a different topic, as the peak period of AGMs approaches, it may be pertinent to highlight the following:

MSWG Weekly Newsletter 07 April 2017


As reported in the media on 31 March 2017, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has remanded MPB’s Group Executive Chairman Dato’ Syed Mohamad Bin Syed Murtaza for investigations involving Yayasan Bumiputra Pulau Pinang Bhd, which is one of the major shareholders of MPB. Datuk Syed Mohamad is also an Independent Non-Executive Director in GTB.

Both MPB and GTB in their announcements made on 31 March 2017 stated that the remand of Dato’ Syed Mohamad by MACC would not or not be expected to have any operational, business or management impact on their companies. We hope that Dato’ Syed Mohamad would voluntarily take a temporary leave of absence amid the MACC’s investigation.